
Process Analysis – A step-by-step breakdown of your business operations, to convey the inputs, outputs, and details that take place during each phase. This is used to determine the potential targets for improvement by removing waste and increasing efficiency.

Financial Analysis – Vogano Consulting will help you assess the viability, stability and profitability of your business, sub-business or project.

Forecasting – Forecasting is a useful planning tool used in determining how to allocate budgets or plan for anticipated expenses for an upcoming period of time. It uses data from the past and present, along with the analysis of trends, to help management cope with the uncertainty of the future. Vogano Consulting utilizes historical data to determine the direction of future trends for your company.

Quality Assurance – Vogano Consulting will help your business reach and maintain the desired level of quality in your services and/or products by paying close attention to every stage of the process, including delivery and production.

Sales Management – Monitor and measure each staff member’s ability to either support sales or do the actual selling. Our effective strategy includes setting goals, providing sales support, training, creating/updating a sales plan, and monitoring results.

Marketing & Product Management – We study your company’s products in relation to how they benefit your clients and customers. We also help develop an effective marketing strategy so you can reach your company’s short and long-term goals.

Technology Implementation – To put a system into effect successfully, a large number of inter-related tasks need to be carried out in an appropriate sequence. Utilizing a well-established system can help, however this is not a flawless solution. Often it is the number of tasks, poor planning and inadequate resourcing that cause problems with task implementation – rather than the tasks being particularly difficult. This service includes the implementation of tasks such as requirements analysis, scope analysis, customizations, systems integrations, user policies, user training and delivery.

Project Management Services – Vogano Consulting aids you in the process of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria by the specified time.

Business Development – We will work with your team on ideas, initiatives and activities aimed at making your business better. This includes increasing revenues, growth/business expansion, increasing profitability via strategic partnerships and other means, and making calculated business decisions. Vogano Consulting also assists in the vital task of creating strong working relationships with all of your vendors and clients.

Strategic Planning – We help your business determine a highly effective strategy and direction, and present you with the most profitable ways to allocate resources in pursuing it. This involves setting goals, determining actions to achieve these goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the actions.

Operations & Process Improvement – Focuses on helping to ensure that your business systems and operations are appropriately designed and operating effectively. We use a structured approach that will help your company learn where improvements need to be made.

Payroll Analysis – Vogano Consulting will perform an in-depth assessment of your payroll to help plan for an effective future course, identify areas that may be contributing to an inordinate percentage of indirect labor costs, and tie company performance to individual groups or shifts.